
Who Is This Massage For ?
It is for anyone genuinely interested in a good, thorough, caring, seamless massage.  I do a slightly firm
Swedish Massage.  It is great for relief from general aches and pains and very relaxing.

A neck to ankle or toe massage which includes the pecs, abs, glutes, adductors and hamstrings.

What I Don't Do
I do NOT do Deep Tissue, Rolphing, Thai or focus work [ I do not spend an extended period of time on any one section of the body ].  In short, if it isn't on the services page than it isn't available.  I'm not trying to fix you.  I'm trying to relax you.

If you get cold easily whether or not you want draping beyond the groin, you'll be given a sheet or blanket.  I cannot and will not work in a room over 75 degree.  

Purchasing Massage For Another
Never purchase a massage for another person as a treat or
surprise.  This isn't a fancy spa.

About The Table
The face cradle is built into the table.  It is not adjustable.   I've added extra padding for comfort and it is heated. 

If you're coming straight from work and want one before, no problem.  If you want to rinse lotion or oil off after, no problem.

Everyone gets a bottle of water.  If you need more, ask.

Same Day
Same day appointments are usually available.  Give yourself a 30-120 minute lead time.  It's best to schedule same day appointments no later than 1:00pm
A Medicinal, Therapeutic Massage
Home Of The Go-To-Sleep Massage